• Bitter Sweet

    Mrs. Calvert,

    I really am going to miss you so very much. I wish you taught English III! I am going to miss you but do not worry I will definitely be visiting your class next year.

    love you lots, Stella Bales

  • Katniss Everdeen Hunting Resume

  • Time Lapse

    Shelby County Health Department – Wreg.com. https://wreg.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2020/07/Health-Directive-No.-9.pdf.

    Hae Min Lee was last seen January 13th, 1999. When the police found her body they started their investigation right away. After spending very little time they had their first and final suspect, Adnan Syed. Adnan was a typical high school student. He had exceptional grades, volunteered at a mosque, and ran track. Then suddenly that all melted away and he was nothing more then a murderer. Adnan was later convicted of Hae’s murder and sentenced to prison in the 2000’s.

    “Image Processing on-Demand, Served by CDN.” Imgix, https://imgix.bustle.com/.

    Adnan was sentenced to jail on very little evidence. Christina Gutierrez his lawyer was said to of focused on the wrong evidence and that was a reason for him being convicted. Christina was disbarred later after “mishandeling” a clients money. During his case Adnan was not very convincing. His story was vauge and he was not able to recall a lot of events that happend the day of Hae’s murder. Although, that should not have been one of the defining factors of his conviction. Looking back at his case the only thing against him was Jay Wild’s testimony.

    Jay was one of Adnans close friends. At the time of Hae’s murder Jay testified against Adnan during his trial. He accused Adnan of forcing him to help clean up and move Hae’s body. Although Jay does not have any hard proof his time stamps match up to phone calls and his job. That covenience was what lead the police in their decision to arrest Adnan. It was also enough to put Adnan behind bars.

    Adnan was released from prison on September 19th, 2023. He was a free man after twenty three years behind bars. He was released because there was not enough evidence to hold him and there was new evidence that came into light. The new evidence was DNA under Hae’s finger tips that was not Adnan’s. It is insane how this took twenty three years to discover. It really demonstrates the police’s job through out the investigation. The government never really gave Adnan a good and fair trial. There where too many holes in the case to send a teenager away for life. The government stripped a child of so many experiences with very little to go on. Now they might be doing it again. Adnan is being filed under the murder charges again after Hae’s family contacted officals after not being notified of Adnan’s release. Therefore, the government is not only being unfair to the Lee family but to Adnan as well. They are doing Adnan an injustice by reinstating the murder charges of a crime that he was not given a fair trial on. It is also an injustice that the Lee family must suffer their daughters death being unsolved, and having the knowledge that her killer might still be out and free while their daughter is dead.

    “Politics.” The Daily Beast, The Daily Beast Company, https://www.thedailybeast.com/category/politics.
  • The Beauty Of College Station

    College Station is not only charming it is packed with interesting sights and places. College Station is the home of Texas A&M University and because it is a college town it has so many different activities to participate in. From golf, bowling, escape rooms and museums College Station is the place to go!

  • Anxiety and Stress Brochure

  • The Mountain Monster

    All little kids have some type of fear. They also acquire them in many different ways. For example, one of my best friends watched a movie as a kid with a human eating dog. From that day on, she wouldn’t even look at a dog or be near it. Anytime she came over to my house I had to give her a piggy back ride to my room. My sister on the other hand made me check under the bed for a whole year because her friend told her a scary story. How scary a story can a seven year old even tell?

    My own story is even weirder. When I was younger, I used to go in my parents room everyday to tell them goodnight and get a towel. One day my parents were doing laundry and they decided to put it on top of their dresser. During my usual routine, I stood in front of their dresser and got a towel for my shower. As I pulled the towel, the tower of clothes probably over five feet tall slowly leaned over. I yelled out right before it landed on me. I screamed “OH NO, IT’S FALLING!!” as the clothes fell right on my head. My parents still make fun of me for it today.

    As a nine year old, I was scarred. A big 30 pound mountain of clothes falling on top of someone, who wouldn’t be? Clothes are no joke, especially two people’s weeks worth. My dad decided it was a good idea to call it the “dresser monster crusher” which honestly did not help my nine year old imagination. After that day, I would never stand by their dresser again out of fear. Every time I went to say good night I would be looking over my shoulder at the beast who scared me. Looking back now, all I can think is of how much of a dork I was. I love my dorkiness though, even if it includes the situation when my nine year old self could not stand piles of clothes.

  • My Photo Library

    I love taking pictures. To me they are memories that I want to cherish and be able to look back on as I grow older. That is also why I have no storage on my phone — because I have over 5,000 photos. Starting from over five or six years ago to today. I don’t know what I would do without my camera, and I hope I never have to find out. My camera is like a piece of my brain; it helps me remember all of the amazing and special times I have shared with my friends and family.

  • Flippers of Death

    Mazzocco, Denise. “Dolphin Fin And Tail.” Fine Art America, 10 Jan. 2014, https://fineartamerica.com/art/paintings.

    I never thought I would be like one of those superhero’s on TV. I never really wished to be like them either. That was until my life changed before my eyes; before it slipped through my fingers like silk.

    This morning was just like any ordinary morning in Phoenix, Arizona — or so I thought. The heat was blazing, and there was not a cloud in sight. I was packing up my belongings for another long day at my law firm internship, when my phone urgently buzzed in my pocket. As I pulled it out, I realized the notification came from the CTVX News Station. Half heartily reading the notification I sighed; it was something about a radioactive dolphin. The bizarre title was enough to made me click off and continue getting ready for work. As I rushed out of the door in an effort to be on time, I noticed the apartment duplex’s floor was slick with water. Being late, I paid no attention and rushed down the stairs, but as soon as I got to the bottom a sharp pain radiated through my leg. The last thing I remember before everything going dark was two red eyes.

    Gfycat. “Watch and Create Gifs, Videos, Memes.” Gfycat, https://gfycat.com/.

    I awoke to the sound of the echo of dipping water. As I opened my eyes, I saw darkness. The strong smell of seaweed brought me to my senses. Looking around, I felt nothing but fear but I knew I was close to the ocean. I searched my body for my phone. Finally finding it, I turned on my flashlight. As I shined it on the walls, it looked like a cave of some sort. My confusion turned into pain as the adrenaline started to wear off and the stinging in my leg grew. My calf had rows of small teeth punctures that oozed some sort of green liquid. Closely assessing my wound, I realized these were not just any teeth marks but dolphin teeth marks. I tried remembering everything that happened this morning, and then it clicked — CTVX News. The radioactive dolphin is the only possible reason as to why I was bitten and stuck in a cave. Pulling myself together, I gently used the rocky wall as leverage to pull myself up. By doing that, I realized how slimy and slick my skin was. I looked down in horror as I shined my light on what seemed to be blue skin. Frantically I searched the rest of my body, and I noticed changes which only could be caused by the bite. My skin blue, my fingers webbed, and I even felt a fin growing on my back.

    “Ecommerce for a New Era.” BigCommerce, https://www.bigcommerce.com/.

    I let out a scream of horror, but instead a dolphin screech left my lips or what was left of them. Then I heard the pounding of what sounded like flippers on the rock. It was the dolphin; he was back for me. I knew I had to get out of here but the only question was how? Grabbing my flashlight I found a pool of water. The foot steps were getting louder. So, with no other option, I jumped in the pitch black water. In the water, I saw the smallest glimpse of light, so I pushed and swam faster then I ever could have before. At first I thought I was going to drown, but I quickly realized that I could hold my breath without even trying. I breached the surface and I was met with an abandoned building. I trudged my way on the sand and through a broken window into the warehouse.

    That warehouse became my home for the next few months as I learned to live as a dolphin/human thing. One thing I knew for sure was that I wanted revenge. During those months, I harnessed my new found abilities. I learned how to hold my breath for up to four hours, send sound shock waves, and spray water out of my mouth. Even though I was now part dolphin, I still resembled my old self. Therefore, I created a disguise so my family would not have to see me like this. I put on a purple mask and cape. I looked in the mirror and said with disbelief “God, I sure am ugly”. At that moment I swore that I would never let the radioactive dolphin hurt anyone else again. I would now be known as Shock Wave the dolphin hunter.

    “I.ebayimg.com – Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles, Coupons and …” Ebay, https://i.ebayimg.com/.
  • The Struggle

    This semester has been one of the most stressful semesters of high school I have had yet. The most stressful part about this semester was the work load. I am in all advanced classes, therefore, I have challenging homework for almost every class. This usually causes me to have to stay up till or even past one in the morning every day. Leading to sleep deprivation during the day, and causing me to almost fall asleep in my classes. After school, I have fallen asleep on my homework several times. Even as I am writing this I am doing my best to keep my eyes open.

    Even though this semester has been tough on me mentally, I still enjoyed some parts of it. I enjoyed doing group projects with my book group. The projects were tremendous fun and my book group did a great job at helping eachother out and working toghether. If I had to recommend something we should do more it would be group projects. Especially for the next books because seeing others perspectives on mystery and crimes would be very intresting.

    The thing I hated the most and think we should do less of would be timed writings. Even though we rarley do them I dislike them so much. The timing is the only stressful part, because it feels like a race. Other than timed writings I really enjoy my english class. Mostly, because I love the people and the teacher in there. For the blog I was thinking some type of picture collage demonstrating our book would be really amazing. It would give us a chance to see how others reading the same book see it differently or even the same as ours. I am very excited to be able to read the mystery and true crime books. I am also curious as to what we are going to do with these new books and how we are going to analysize them.

  • The Hole

    Mr. Mouse has spent the last two weeks searching for a new hole to call home. Help him find his forever hole, but be careful because your choices might have dire consequences.

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