Loving a Lie

Love is a lie and nothing more. I came to this conclusion after my heart was broken and stitched back together over and over again. Every time I would try to give love a chance, I was stabbed in the back. Last year, I decided to give Love one more chance, one more opportunity to prove to me that there was a chance at true love. Thinking back, that was probably my biggest mistake.

It has been a year since that day. I lost my job, my house, my family’s trust and security, but most importantly I lost myself. Now I live in a crawlspace under the boating docks in Minneapolis. The wood is rotting, and the ground crawling with bugs, but at least it is a dry place to sleep. Tonight is one of the coldest nights I have experienced since moving to Minneapolis. I have not had anything to eat in the past three days, and the cold is starting to turn the tips of my fingers blue. Even though my hands are numb, the feeling of excitement seems to warm me up as I think about my newly acquired job. In order to survive this upcoming winter, I knew I had to move indoors. Therefore, I was able to get a job  working in a gas station. It has been a little over two weeks, and I have made a quarter of the amount needed to rent out a small, rundown apartment. Soon the temperature will be close to zero, which leaves me with a complex decision between either death or the risk of being scammed by the local loan sharks. I chose the latter. 

 At first everything was smooth and steady. I applied for the loan on an application which I mailed to the requested address, and I was approved for the loan the next day. I was able to finally rent out the apartment, and later I had the best sleep I have had in a long time. However, when I woke up everything felt wrong. I was on my shift at the gas station when it all happened. A group of five men, dressed in black and wearing masks resembling farm animals, strolled in through the glass doors. Four of the men held guns and one of them was my ex-boyfriend, the one who broke my heart, Josh. He put the black bag over my head, and the next thing I knew I was looking through a window at boats rocking steadily. Josh showed me the truth about love by cheating on me with my sister. 

 My eyes refocused, and I realized that I was on a boat. The inside of the boat was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was coated in velvet, and the most noticeable thing were the curtains. They were a magnificent distraction from the heart crushing reunion of myself and my ex. My eyes were pulled to them and the sounds of repeated questions for “money,” “valuables,” “cash,” were drowned out. Staring at the freedom the curtains had, I felt a sudden surge of energy. Before Josh or one of the goons could catch me, I rammed into the window. As it burst open, I jumped into the Lake and swam faster than I ever had before. No longer would I doubt myself or my abilities.

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